Elisa Tagliati is a teacher of sculpture and multimedia laboratory at the Secondary Art School “IIS Munari” in Crema (Italy).
The body is the center of her artistic research. After the graduation in Sculpture she develops a research artwork on the self-portrait that she carries on from 2007 to today. She has exhibited in various Italian contexts since 2003.
Since 2009 she has been producing and making video clips for various Italian songwriters of which she also directing the live performances.
Since 1997 she has been singing in various musical formations ranging from jazz to popular music. She is a multi-instrumentalist and collaborates with local musicians and songwriters. Since 2014 she has been part of the Tulilem Trio which brings a show on the Lescano Trio in several theaters.
From 2015 she approaches martial arts and begins a research on movement and meditation. She studies Butoh dance under the guidance of Atsushi Takenouchi, Kea Tonetti and Maruska Ronchi. Since 2016 she has participated in various national and international Butoh dance festivals and has created numerous performances that combining multiple expressive languages, from dance to video, from photography to artistic installations also in collaboration with other artists, directors, dancers and musicians.
Since 2018 she become a Shantaram educator (didactic of interiority) and she leads workshops for adolescents and adults of Maieutic Art which combines meditation with expressive arts.